Here you go you can find here some basic UNIX commands
- / : “root” directory
- /usr : directory usr (sub-directory of / "root" directory)
- mkdir dirname : make a new directory
- cd : Change current directory to your HOME directory.
- cd dirname : change directory.
- pwd : show the current directory
- ls : lists your files
ls -l : lists your files in 'long format'.
ls -a : lists all files, including the ones whose filenames begin in a dot. - more filename : shows the first part of a file, just as much
as will fit on one screen. Just hit the space bar to see more or q to
- emacs filename : is an editor that lets you create and edit a
- mv filename1 filename2 : moves a file
- cp filename1 filename2 : copies a file
- rm filename : removes a file.
- diff filename1 filename2 : compares files.
- wc filename : tells you how many lines, words, and
characters there are in a file
- chmod options filename : lets you change the read, write, and execute
permissions on your files.
- File Compression
- gzip filename : compresses files.
- gunzip filename : uncompresses files compressed by gzip.
- gzcat filename : lets you look at a gzipped file without
actually having to gunzip
- printing
- lpr filename : print.
- lpq : check out the printer queue.
- lprm jobnumber : remove something from the printer queue.
Viewing and editing
- cat filename : Dump a file to the screen in ascii.
- more filename : Progressively dump a file to the screen.
- less filename : Like more.
- vi filename : Edit a file using the vi editor.
- emacs filename : Edit a file using the emacs editor.
- head filename : Show the first few lines of a file.
- head -n filename : Show the first n lines of a file.
- tail filename : Show the last few lines of a file.
- tail -n filename : Show the last n lines of a file.
Changing file permissions and attributes
- chmod 755 file : Changes the permissions of file to be rwx for the owner, and rx for the group and the world. (7 = rwx = 111 binary. 5 = r-x = 101 binary)
- chgrp user file : Makes file belong to the group user.
- chown cliff file : Makes cliff the owner of file.
- chown -R cliff dir : Makes cliff the owner of dir and everything in its directory tree.
Finding things
- ff : find files anywhere on the system.
- grep string filename(s) : looks for the string in the files.
About other people
- w : tells you who's logged in, and what they're doing.
- who : tells you who's logged on, and where they're coming from.
- finger username : gives you lots of information about that user.
- last -1 username : tells you when the user last logged on and
off and from where.
- talk username : lets you have a conversation with another
- write username : lets you exchange one-line messages with
another user
- elm : lets you send e-mail messages to people around the world
About yourself
- whoami : returns your username.
- passwd : lets you change your password.
- ps -u yourusername : lists your processes.
- kill PID : kills the processes with the ID you gave.
- quota -v : show what your disk quota is, how much you're using.
- du filename : shows the disk usage of the files and
- last yourusername : lists your last logins.
- nn : allows you to read news.
- rlogin hostname : lets you connect to a remote host
- telnet hostname : lets you connect to a remote host.
- ftp hostname : lets you download files from a remote host.
- lynx : lets you browse the web from an ordinary
Miscellaneous tools
- date : shows the current date and time.
- cal : shows a calendar of the current month.
I hope this
article was helpful and for any suggestions leave a comment bellow
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